Junior Raffle

We’re having a raffle to help pay for some new sculling oars (badly needed!) for the junior section.

Tickets cost just 2 euro each or 3 for 5 euro. We’re giving away 10 brilliant prizes (listed below).

Admission or raffle tickets

1          Commercial Splash Jacket Racing One-piece & Beanie.

2          Commercial Racing One-piece

3          Commercial Racing One-piece

4          Commercial Splash Jacket

5          Commercial Splash Jacket

6          Bottle of Whiskey & Box of Chocolates

7          Bottle of Whiskey 

8          Bottle of Wine X2

9          Bottle of Wine

10        Bottle of Wine


The Raffle Draw will be on Saturday, Feb 14th 21st 2015 at 11:00.

Your coach is selling tickets now  – Buy one before they’re sold out !!

Any donations towards the raffle would be gratefully accepted; thanks to all those who’ve already generously sponsored a prize.

Note: We may be able to switch some prizes (i.e. rowing gear for other prizes & vice versa).
