Junior Raffle Results

Congratulations to the winners of our junior-fundraising-drive Raffle in aid of new sculling oars. The final amount collected (€835) was even better than we could have hoped for.

As you see, the five sets oars have been received already and painted in the club colours. New racks have also been installed to store the new oars efficiently.

On behalf of Mackey and all the Boys J14 coaching squad,

we would like to thank everyone involved for their generosity and support in making the draw a big success.

A special thanks to Roger Phelan & Tom Barry (our weekend slip stewards) who both collected 100 euro from outside of the club.  Thanks also to the sponsors of the raffle, Mick Heavey, Colin Daly, Pat Phelan, Pat Churchyard (Impact Sports), Lou Phelan and the Scoop shop.

The raffle was conducted on Saturday 28th of February 2015 at 11:00, tickets were randomly drawn and the whole process was scrupulously audited by the Women’s Novice Squad (Ernst & Young weren’t available).

Below is the list of the lucky winners of our amazing prizes: –

1             CRC Splash Jacket, Racing One – Piece & Beanie.   SARAH (J14M)
2             Commercial Racing One – Piece                                 MARTINA BRACKEN (SW)
3             Commercial Racing One Piece                                    RACHEL Mc (J16W)
4             Commercial Splash Jacket                                           CONOR (J18M)
5             Commercial Splash Jacket                                           ROSS (J14 M)
6             Bottle of Whiskey & Box of Chocolates                   JIM O BRIEN
7             Bottle of Whiskey                                                          BENTLEY (J14 W)
8             Bottle of Wine X2                                                          MAIRE GSIC
9             Bottle of Wine Biscuits                                                  AINE (J14M)
10           Bottle of Wine                                                               RACHEL  (J16B)