Bow Man The rower in the seat nearest the bow
Classification Classification is simply a structure for competition. Athletes with disabilities are grouped in classes defined by the degree of function presented by the disability as assessed by classifiers. See also Rowing Categories.
Confirmed (C) Status Confirmed status is given when the status of the athlete is not likely to change, and is given when an athlete is classified by an International Classification Panel.
Coxswain (Cox) Steers the boat from a seat in the stern or laying position in the bow. See also Rowing Categories.
Ergometer A rowing machine used for fitness and skill training; on land rowing device. See also Facilities.
FISA Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Aviron (International governing body for rowing).
Functional Classification Test The test of a rowers functional ability; testing range of movements.
Leg, Trunk and Arms Athletes are able to use the full slide, trunk and arms to propel a rowing boat (LTA4+)
Lesion Any abnormality or injury to tissue or loss of function of a part of the spinal cord.
Lightweight A rower with tweight restrictions for racing – 72.5kg for men (70kg crew average); 59kg for women (57kg crew average)
New (N) Status National classifiers are only allowed to give an N class status to an athlete from their own federation or region. Typically people who are given new status are not allowed to compete at an international level.
Pontoons Flotation devises attached to rowing boats for additional buoyancy and stability.
Regatta A competitive event raced in rowing boats. This differs from a Head Of River (HOR) which is a kind of time trial (not bow to bow racing).
Review (R) Status Review status is given when the classification panel feels the athlete’s classification may change due to a change in disability or prosthesis use, or for reasons determined by FISA, for example a change in the classification process.
Seat What the rowers use to sit on to slide up and down the rails during the action of the stroke. See also Boat Terms.
Shaft The shaft or part of the oar between he handle and the blade. See also Boat Terms.
Slide tracks/runners The parralell tracks on which the seat moves. See also Boat Terms.
Strapping Support device applied to fixed seats for back support; restrictive device applied to the legs to eliminate slide movement.
Trunk and Arms Athetes who can fix the pelvis on the seat and have trunk and arm movement to propel the boat, but are unable to use the sliding seat because of weak functions of the lower limbs (TA2x).
Arms Only A rower who is only able to propel the boat with the use of thier arms and shoulders (A1x).