Monthly Archives: January 2015
Junior Raffle
We’re having a raffle to help pay for some new sculling oars (badly needed!) for the junior section. Tickets cost just 2 euro each or 3 for 5 euro. We’re giving away 10 brilliant prizes (listed below). 1 Commercial Splash Jacket Racing One-piece & Beanie. 2 Commercial Racing One-piece […]
Umpires Exams 2015
The legendary Commercial Regatta is returning to Islandbridge on Sunday, April 5th, 2015 and we’ll be needing all the umpiring help we can get. Rowing Ireland are hosting an umpire training / exam session according to the following schedule: – […]
Misplaced Croker Sculling Blades
Alan McKenna’s Crokers have gone missing ! S2 super light Crokers (pair of sculls), last seen in commercial Saturday 8th of November, 2014. Yellow handles, pink sleeve, yellow button, white blade never painted. €50 reward for return. Fergus Morris, Captain